John Dixon (c.1766-1841):
Morecambe Parish Church, Morecambe, Lancaster LA4 5PZ
Most of our knowledge about the life of John Dixon is contained in his epitaph. The church’s website provides a plan of the location of the graves: John Dixon is in plot 33, and Lodge family, his masters, in neighbouring plots 24 and 25.
JOHN DIXON, a native Black, from
the Island of Grenada, who died
March 17th 1841, Aged 75 Years.
For upward of thirty nine Years
he was a true and faithful servant
in the family of JOHN LODGE Esq.
of BARE HALL, with whom during
the last nineteen of which he lived
respected by all who knew him.
By his late Master was this stone laid
down in remembrance of his name.