Felicity Ogilvie (c.1782-1831):
Cardross Old Parish Church, Main Road, Cardross, Dumbarton G82 5JX
A badly decayed memorial to a much-loved Grenadine nanny, Felicity Ogelvie, lies inside the burial enclosure of the McInnes family in Cardross Old Parish Church. Very little is known of Felicity’s life, other than she was born in 1782 in Carriacou, one of the Grenadine Islands, and died on 26 May 1831, probably at nearby Auchenfroe House, the family home of the McInnes family. Above the entrance to the stone burial ground is the inscription “John McInnes Esq. of Auchenfroe, 1837”. John McInnes was a wealthy sugar planter and had owned a substantial stake in the Mount Rich plantation in Grenada.
The inscription has not been fully recorded, or is perhaps too damaged to be read correctly.
Inscription (to be verified):
OGELVIE, FELICITY, born in Carriacou 1782, died 26 May 1831 in Auchenfroe, Dunbartonshire. Erected at the request of Miss McInnes in affectionate remembrance of Felicity Ogelvie her nurse, a native of the island of Carriacou in the West Indies. Beloved and respected by all who knew her.