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A Savage Culture Revisited

Remi Kapo has witnessed post-war race conflicts first hand, and in A Savage Culture he puts them in historical perspective. Despite forty years passing since its first publication, the ‘problem’ of race relations is still being viewed in terms of much publicised individual aspects, such as education, housing and the law, but the issue is racism itself. With BLM, the Windrush scandal and other recent events showing little has changed, this book is reissued in the hope that, for future generations, further editions will not be required.

‘A moving account of a British black man’s view of racism.’ — Daily Mail

‘A hard-hitting, no-holds-barred book … just about every British institution comes in for a hammering.’ – West Indian World

‘An angry passionate book that crashes along at high speed, lashing out right, left and centre at the filth of racism in Britain.’ – The Leveller

‘A shaming catalogue of racism, harassment and wholesale suppression of black history and culture.’ – City Limits

‘The best insight into racism in Britain that I have ever read.’ – Jessica Mitford author of Hons and Rebels and The American Way of Death

Book Categories: Published Books.